Indian Background Flute Music: Instrumental Meditation Music | Yoga Music | Spa Music for Relaxation

NuMeditationMusic youtube channel is devoted to create a new collection of LONG MEDITATION MUSIC videos for you to relax and enjoy in your daily meditation.

Which of the following playlists of our best videos would you like to watch?


A selection of our best meditation tracks, music influenced by different cultures, religions and schools of thought. The sound of instruments and chants with thousands of years, like the Indian flute and buddhist chants, that carry the essence and roots of meditation.

Meditation Music from different Cultures




Far East

Middle east



Our best mix of beautiful Relaxing music with amazing nature footage: Piano Music, Guitar Music, Flute music etc. Sometimes we mix the music with relaxing nature sounds, like the sound of rain, gentle thunder, birds chirping, streams and ocean sounds.
These ambient backgrounds are perfect for meditation, practice of Yoga, Study and whenever you need to relax! Sometimes we mix healing frequencies like the 528hz, the 432hz, and others, with the music for healing benefits.

Relaxing music by instrument

Indian Flute

Native American Flute

Every Flute Music




NEW RELEASES by NuMeditationMusic

Enjoy our new releases of, Sleep Music, Healing Music and Relaxing Music from different cultures.
We upload twice a week (Monday and Wednesday) a great collection of Reiki Music, Chakra Meditations, long Deep sleep music videos, and relaxing music from different cultures such as Native American Flute and Indian Flute music.

MOST POPULAR by NuMeditationMusic videos:

Our most popular video (Indian Background Flute Music) is one of the most viewed meditation music videos ever!
If this is your first time visiting our channel, you can start by watching this selection of videos.


A selection of our best sleep music, some videos have visuals, some have a black screen. Sometimes we mix healing frequencies like the 528hz, the 432hz, and others, with the music for healing benefits. Sleep waves music may also be found on this playlist, look for the title and choose what you enjoy the most.


Reiki music

Our Reiki music playlist was composed to intensify your Reiki sessions, promoting healing relaxation and a sense of peace. This playlist contains Reiki Healing Music (for emotional, physical and spiritual healing) and Healing Meditation Tracks.
Sometimes we mix healing frequencies like the 528hz, the 432hz, and others, with the music promote healing.

Chakra Meditations

A selection of our best Chakra Meditations for Balancing and Healing: Videos for the 7 Chakras and for each Chakra (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye and Crown). Aura cleansing meditations and long sleep Chakra videos.

SUBSCRIBE! NEW VIDEOS Every Monday and Wednesday


Music by NuMeditationMusic
Available on every streaming service worldwide

#numeditationmusic #healingmusic #sleepmusic

Photo by Abhi Sharma under the Creative Commons license

Album: Indian Flute
Artist: NuMeditationMusic

Buy the album on Google Play

The Best Relaxing Piano

3 ЧАСА Лучший Расслабляющая музыка тех фортепиано флейты отлично фоне исцеления Sleep Music.Get 3 часа отдохнуть с этой романтической инструментальной композиции музыки и успокаивающих океанских волн на фоне.
Наш новый океан флейта музыка
Для получения более подробной релаксации и медитации музыки подпишитесь мой канал

музыка петли в течение 3 часов
Имя: Relaxamento на Flauta де Кришна
по Вальтер Соуза

Это видео было сделано в течение длительного отдыха, медитации, masage или спа сессии.

 , Оригинальный язык видео Описание является английский. Все другие переводы были сделаны Переводчик Google. Извините за причиненные неудобства


Música para relajarse, meditar, estudiar, leer, masajes, spa o dormir. Esta música es perfecta para combatir la ansiedad, el estrés o el insomnio ya que facilita la relajación y nos ayuda a eliminar las malas vibraciones.

Descarga nuestra Nueva APP Gratis:

Descubre «Las 5 claves para aprender a meditar» con este ebook que hemos preparado para ti completamente GRATIS:

Descargar en iTunes:

Escuchar en Spotify:

Música para:
Yoga y spa.
Reiki Zen.
Calmar y controlar la ansiedad.
Conciliar el sueño y dormir mejor.
Estudiar y concentrarse.
Realizar tareas y trabajos…
Bienestar emocional.

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Escuchar esta música con lluvia relajate:

Escuchar esta música con olas del mar relajantes:

Sitios de Interes:

¿Que puedes encontrar en nuestro canal?

— En nuestro canal podrás encontrar música relajante para dormir, meditación, yoga, zen, spa, estudiar y concentrarse, ondas cerebrales, ondas alfa, ondas beta, ondas delta, ondas theta, cuencos tibetanos, música chamánica, y mucho más.

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Copyright © Musicoterapia (Thurisaz)

Ванавара, куда не добраться по земле | НЕИЗВЕСТНАЯ РОССИЯ

Ванавара — самый близкий к месту падения Тунгусского метеорита населенный пункт. Что-то около 60 километров. И немудрено. Ведь кроме этого маленького эвенкийского села, на сотни километров вокруг нет ничего, кроме глухой сибирской тайги. О том, что же случилось в июне 1908 года в районе реки Подкаменная Тунгуска, ученые всего мира спорят и по сей день. Да и жители самой Ванавары не прочь подискутировать о причинах невероятно мощного взрыва, повалившего деревья на тысячи километров вокруг и который сегодня принято называть Тунгусским метеоритом.

До Ванавары нельзя добраться по земле. В этих местах нет автомобильных дорог, сюда не ходят поезда. Единственный способ сообщения с внешним миром — малая авиация. В селе есть свой аэродром, на который несколько раз в неделю садятся винтовые самолёты. Которые доставляют сюда не только людей, но и всё необходимое для выживания в этом глухом сибирском селе.



#Тунгусский_метеорит #вырубка_леса #тайга

La Mejor Música Para Relajar El Cerebro Y Dormir, Calmar Tu Mente, Música Relajante Para Dormir

Лучшая музыка, чтобы расслабить мозг и сон, успокоить разум, расслабляющая музыка для сна

► Все права принадлежат их владельцам.
✔ Это видео получило специальную лицензию непосредственно от художников.

❋ Кредиты:
Музыкальное произведение: Dream Relax Música
Звук: Dream Relax Música

Авторские права ⓒ 2020 Dream Relax Música Все права защищены.

❋ Соответствующие хэштеги:
#музыкадлясна #лучшаямузыкадлясна #крепкоспать

Reiki Zen Meditation Music: 3 Hours Healing Music Background | Yoga - Zen - Massage - Sleep - Study

Reiki Zen Meditation Music: 3 Hours Healing Music Background | Yoga — Zen — Massage — Sleep — Study
Exclusive Playlist on Spotify of REIKI here:

CD — Album: Yoga Healing Sounds

►For more relaxation and meditation music please subscribe my channel:

►Music to study, work, read and get focused:
The music to study of Musicoterapia is ideal to be able to focus in depth during the study and get the most out of it. It helps you concentrate, pay more attention, focus and work in a more efficient way. Our music to study contains brain waves, specifically Alpha waves, which increase concentration and the power of the brain to improve the memory and the intelligence. This instrumental relaxing music will help you to study, focus and learn more quickly to allow that your mind reaches the best of its focus states. It’s ideal for the job and the study

►Music of relaxation and meditation to calm the mind and control anxiety:
Our music of relaxation and meditation is perfect to Buddhist meditations, Zen meditations, aware meditations, Deepak Chopra meditations and Eckhart Tolle meditations, among others. This type of music contains elements of a lot of cultures like: Japanese music, Indian music, Tibetan music, Chinese music, Shamanic music. Our music to meditate is also ideal for calm the mind, control anxiety, eliminate stress, stop thinking, etc.

►Relaxing music for spas and massages:
Our instrumental music is calm and soft. It’s a music that facilitates the complete relaxation of the body after a long day of work and helps the body to get into a total relax state. This music is perfect to be used in Spas and massages, since it contains relaxation relaxing sounds very soft that helps to relax both the body and mind. Besides, much of our compositions contain relaxing sounds presents in nature, as the sound of: sea waves, rivers and water falls, relaxing rain, birds from the woods, etc. The music of Musicoterapia will be of great help to get you relaxed.

►Reiki Zen music and music to heal the chakras:
This music is perfect to sessions of reiki to favor an easy entrance to the Zen state. Let the spiritual sounds take you to a higher state of consciousness and prepare yourself to receive the vibrations. This type of music is ideal to heal, clean and balance the seven chakras. Also we have the sounds of the Tibetan bowls with its correspondent tones to heal each chakra.

►Music for yoga and Pilates:
The music provided is perfect for Pilates and all kind of yoga (anusura yoga, hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, bikram yoga, ashtanga yoga, iyengar yoga, kripalu yoga, power yoga, bharata yoga, viniyoga, naked yoga, aereal yoga, dru yoga, hot yoga, yoga nidra, laugh yoga, integral yoga, anada yoga, nada yoga, bhakti yoga, restorative yoga, yoga ayurvédico, kripalu yoga, sivananda yoga, aquatic yoga, acroyoga, vinyasa yoga and therapeutic yoga).

►Relaxing Shamanic music:
The music of Shamanic category pretends to emulate the altered states of consciousness as it’s made by Shamans anywhere in the world, with sounds of the mother nature and the animals of power that help the listener to enter in a deep calm state in which the body heals and the soul cleanses energy, giving calm, peace and quietude with a long listening.

►Music to sleep deeply and rest with Delta waves:
The music to sleep of Musicoterapia is a relaxing music, perfect to enjoy a profound and pleasurable dream. Our music to sleep is the best music that you’ll find to calm the mind, relieve stress, diminish insomnia and foment sleep. This type of music is a fusion of Delta waves and soft instrumental music that will help you achieve a profound relaxation and so be able to sleep and rest with ease. Our videos have been composed specifically to relax the mind and body, and are ideal to babies, children, teenagers and adults that need relaxing music to reconcile the sleep.

Amazon / iTunes / Bandcamp:

Горная Армения. Царство безоара

Фильм рассказывает о нескольких экспедициях проведенных командой «Ковчег» в горную Армению. Жизнь дикой природы это всегда тайна, приоткрыть которую команде «Ковчег» помогают современные методы съемки. Приглашаем посетить вместе с нами уникальные природные объекты горной Армении и познакомиться поближе с коренными обитателями этих мест.
Съемки фильма проходили в 2013-2016 годах.

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